
            Snow White conversed with Happy and Sneezy about the different items of furniture she wants to buy for the baby. She would like to buy a changing table/accessories, a rocking chair and a baby’s bed. Happy and Sneezy thought for a second about the different options. Happy told Snow White he thought she should buy the baby a rocking chair with big arm rests. He liked the idea that a bigger chair would accommodate the baby as it grew. Then Sneezy told Snow White he thought she should buy a changing table/accessories that is colorful. He particularly liked the colors yellow, blue and green. Snow White was overjoyed with their ideas for the baby’s furniture. Further, Snow White, Happy and Sneezy decided to go shopping at Target, Babies R Us and Wal-Mart.
            They decided to go to Wal-Mart because there is a large selection of items at reasonable prices. Sneezy suggested they should look for the changing table first because there are different pieces involved. Snow White and Happy agreed with Sneezy and the search began. They looked up and down different aisles and they finally found one with a changing table pad and organizer tray. Happy ends up hurting his back while trying to move the changing table to see if it was in good condition. Snow White and Sneezy stopped shopping and helped Happy get up and decided to take him to the doctor to make sure he was fine. Shopping was put on hold.