
         Snow White, Happy and Sneezy rode the Anything-Can-Happen-Express. They sat in first class in the front of the train and drank cranberry juice and ate goldfish crackers. Snow White demonstrated to the dwarves how to hold their pinky out as they sipped from their tea cups. She figured she might as well teach them good manners as practice for the baby. Suddenly the train lunged forward and the wheels began to squeal! The trio was quite confused about what was happening. The doors from the conductor’s cabin burst open! Five mini me’s swaggered into the passenger compartment!
    Sneezy thought he could take out two of them by attacking them with the fluffy pillows and he hit them on the side of the head. Upon impact feathers burst through the seams and filled the air! Sneezy began to successively sneeze. Since Sneezy had anchovies for lunch the smell was overwhelming! The first mini me passed out and knocked down the others like a stack of dominoes. Sneezy saved the day and became a hero! Happy jumped with joy! The sheriff came and took the mini me’s off to Munchkin Land to be with the Wicked Witch of the West. Snow White was so relieved and the trio traveled home safely.